Aquashella 2-Day Expo & Frag Swap (Chicago, Illinois) - August 18 and 19, 2018

Updated Vendor List (94 Vendors)

Algae Barn
Alyssa's Seahorse Saavy
AP Frags
Aqua Tech (Bronze Sponsor)
Aquarium Adventure
Aquarium Artisans
Aquarium Care Center
Aquarium Overload
Aquashella Radio
Aquatic Life
Aquatic Realm International
Art Corner
Ben Betta Aquatics
Blue Line Coral
Booyah's Clownfish
Buy Pet
Chicago Aquatic Plant Society
Chicago Livebearer's Society
Chicago Marine Aquarium Society (CMAS)
CJ's Corals
Coral Collections - Tball
Coral Reef Connection
Crystal Reef Aquatics
Curling Tails
Dat's Cichlids & Reptiles
Derby City Corals
Dubey's Pet Center
Eco-Tech Marine
Exotic Discus
Eye Candy Coral
Eye Catching Coral
Fish Crew
Fraghouse Corals
Fritz Aquatics
Frost Corals
Gold Coast Aquatics
Golden Basket
Greater Chicago Chichlid Society
Hobe Sound Frags
I'm a Reefer
JBJ Dennerle
Jellyfish Warehouse Aquariums
K & M Caves So Fishing Awesome
Kolar Labs
Kush Corals
Midwest Aquaculture
MOD Corals
North American Coral Labs
Ocean Avenue
Ocean State Aquatics
Paradise Aquatics
Planet Aquariums (Platinum Sponsor)
Pleco Paradise
Polyp Lab
Pop Corals
Printed Reefing Solutions
Reef Breeders
Reef Deep Aquatics
Reef Geeks
Reef Legends
Reef Shine Guys (Media Sponsor)
Rick's Corals
Rod's Food (Gold Sponsor)
Saltwater (Silver Sponsor)
Select Coral
Seven Seas
Sho Tanks
Shrimp Farm USA
Sticks & Stonies
Summit City Corals
Super Cichlids
Supreme Reefs
Tank It Easy (Insane Corals)
The Aquascapers Collective
The Zoanthid Garden
Tori Martin Art
Triton Aquarium
United Flowerhorn Association
Unlimited Color Coral
Ward's Aquatics
Wet Pets
Wojtek's Reef
World Class Aquatics
Xotic Aquatic World
Last edited:

Uri Garduno - Live Painting Session 10:30 AM
Jacob Mansbach - How to Make Your Own Bounce Mushroom 11:30 AM
Sutan Ari Dallas - The Past, Present, and Future of the Indonesian Coral Trade 12:30 PM
Michelle Hoffman - Trotter High Definition Journey Through the Ocean 1:30 PM
Joleena Jewell - Public/Private Collaboration for the Future of Fish Conservation 2:30 PM
Maia Davidson - Lets Talk About Sex and Babies - Breeding in a Public Aquarium 3:30 PM
Raphael Campos - Watch Raphael from RC Studios Paint in Real Time! 4:30 PM

Paul Poeschl - How to Train Your Fish While Breeding Black Piranhas 10:30 AM
Rachel Fogle - Painting Reef Animals 11:30 AM
Matthew Stevenson - Extreme Aquarium Design 12:30 PM
Mark Vera - Nutrition and Nutrient Control in the Captive Aquarium 1:30 PM
Raj Shingadia - 13 Reasons Why 2:30 PM
Scott Crowe - The Life of a Local Fish Store (LFS) Entrepreneur : The Past Present and Future 3:30 PM
George Makrakis - 50 Stores in 5 Days, U.K. Edition - How to Edit a Film 4:30 PM


AquaPros - Michael Doobie
Aquarium Co-Op - Cory McElroy
Challenge the Wild - James Moreland
Coralfish12G - George Mavrakis
Creative Pet Keeping - Kasia Blasik
Dustin's Fish Tanks - Dustin Wumderlich
Flip Aquatics - Robert Lupton
Innappropriate Reefer - Mok-Yi Chow
L.R. Bretz Aquatics - Lucas Bretz
Marine Depot - Robert Farnsworth
Melev's Reef - Marc Levenson
Prime Time Aquatics - Jason Adams
Radical Reefs - Kenneth Carey
Tidal Gardens - Than Thein
Twin Cities Guppies - Keng Lee


Ashley McDonald
Betty Leone
Caitlin Lee (Reef Musings)
Heip Hong
Katarzyna Gruza
Kris Kazlauskas (Koral Kreations)
Michael Vargus
Michelle Renee Albright (Bombchelle Creations)
Rachel Fogle (Reef Weeds)
Raphael Campos (RC Studios)
Rick Corriera
Tori Martin
Uri Garduno (UReefOgraphy)


Art Commisso - Professional Aquascaper
Cory Hopkins - Professional Aquascaper
Hiep Hong - Professional Aquascaper
John Pini - Professional Aquascaper
Marvin Lo - Professional Aquascaper
Shawn McBride - Professional Aquascaper


Peter Cherrick - Aquashella Radio
The Aquashella 2-Day Expo & Frag Swap (Chicago, Illinois) is just 2 Days Away !!!!!!!!

Invite all of Your Reefing Friends :)

Saturday, August 18
Sunday, August 19
Anyone looking for a ticket I have a extra, paid $20 make me a offer I’ll be there around 11 today
I got a chance to go today. I got a few frags actually eight and I got a nice deal on a Meteor Shower coral it's about the size of a baseball.
Had a Great Time at Aquashella !!!!

So Much to See and Do.

Big Thanks to George and Shawn for Hosting the Show and Everyone Else that Helped Out.

Can't Wait for It Again Next Year :)