Aquatic Experience Chicago - Nov 6-8 2015 in Schaumburg

Let me know what booth number please!

Will do, I let James (onsite AE coordinator) know to let your company know the change in booth numer when he and I talked this morning. It was first on my mind to make sure it all goes smoothly. I think it's 633, but still don't have confirmation.
The new CR booth number is #633. They'll get to updating the online and print floorplan today.

See you there everybody.
I'll swing by too. I'm helping a friend at Clam Mania (booth 214). Here is a pic of some of the clams he will have tomorrow. Sorry for the crappy Iphone pic, the lights were going down already.
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Josh! I gotta stop by and say hi, I don't think we've ever actually met in person :D I'll be there Saturday afternoon/evening.