wait what ? they have radiant wrasses and they priced them at $200 :O
I heard they are not having it in Chicago next year because we're too cheap
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They talked about it at raffle said they stayed in chicago longer then they were supposed to they wanted to make it a multi state event and rotate. Next yr is New Jersey and they said the yr after might be Chicago again .
As this was our first one we spent a lot of time looking but I would say it got old and repeatative half way throughIt was ok nothing impressive. I hope a all reef/ saltwater expo comes soon. I feel like we spent more time looking for parking then inside.
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Yea that would be awesome if they did something like that but problem is I think that LFS might not want to spend the money on renting out a little 10x10 booth for the money is cost and not making it back even tho in the long run it will help bring more customers and buissnes to their storeChicago needs its own show period, I don’t wanna see DAS aquarium displays, I don’t want to see 5 different booths with a guy sitting behind a table and a 5 gallon tank on it with a betta, bubbler, or mini shrimp. The shrimp competition and display at the show took up too much real estate. Deep Blue brought nothing new, Seaphora brought Deep Blue tanks with their own brand on it. What I wanna see is a toe to toe balls out competition amongst LFS, private coral suppliers, tank manufacturers, etc to see who brought out the best, wether quality or value. There are many LFS, private coral dealers, tank manufacturers in or near the chicagoland area that people may not be aware of and a chicagoland show that highlighted local business would be great.
I went on saturday, and this was my 4th year going. It was decent, but if they did it again they would either need a new venue, or try to book a date when there aren't other events there. The parking is getting ridiculous. People were parking in the grass just to get spots.
I didn't buy anything this time, but there were a few things I was looking at. I instead grabbed a handful of the 40% off coupons for aquarium adventure and will probably hit them up at random times.
Planted tanks are legit man I got a 75g full planted tank and I love it deff much different then reefI thought most of the local LFS had a booth there, Aquapros, Wjotek, ShoTank, Seven Seas, Tank It Easy, Xzotic, Beyond the Reef. Reefwise was a notable MIA. Anyone else missing? I actually didn't look at the local booths that much since I can always go to their store for better selection. Instead I got to check out vendors from out of town. It was a good show and I actually enjoyed looking at the all amazing planted tanks. Makes me want to start one. I was surprised that there weren't a lot of major Marine / Saltwater equipment vendors there. Didn't see Red Sea, Innovative Marine, Ecotech, AI, Marine Depot, etc. Sad to hear it won't be coming back next year.
Planted tankI thought most of the local LFS had a booth there, Aquapros, Wjotek, ShoTank, Seven Seas, Tank It Easy, Xzotic, Beyond the Reef. Reefwise was a notable MIA. Anyone else missing? I actually didn't look at the local booths that much since I can always go to their store for better selection. Instead I got to check out vendors from out of town. It was a good show and I actually enjoyed looking at the all amazing planted tanks. Makes me want to start one. I was surprised that there weren't a lot of major Marine / Saltwater equipment vendors there. Didn't see Red Sea, Innovative Marine, Ecotech, AI, Marine Depot, etc. Sad to hear it won't be coming back next year.
Planted tanks are legit man I got a 75g full planted tank and I love it deff much different then reef
Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
Do it lol I got plenty of plants now I trim on a weekly bases if you need someThat they are here is my old 75 gallon planted Discus tank back when I used to breed them. Going to the show made me want to start another one....lol
View attachment 22723
Do it lol I got plenty of plants now I trim on a weekly bases if you need some
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Lol hahaI promised no more tanks til we get a bigger house...lol
80 gallon Turtle tank, 20 gallon Frag tank, 29 gallon QT, 120 Reef tank....lol
She has a 3 gallon 3 clawed frog tank