Great for your system. They are pods. Those are great source of Food for finicky eaters (Mandarin Goby)
hmmm. never put that together. I can have a mandarin (ooo, maybe a pair) with Occys, right?
Yes you may, although there are a few in your system, If I were you, I'd wait before adding a Mandarin. They are expert fish & once all the pods are eaten they will starve to death. You will need a lot more than what you have & a established system (at least a year) before supplying a mandarin with sustainable supply of pods.
Thanks. I'm pretty sure I have an esentially endless supply. This system has a separate 20t fuge with TONS of them in there and it's been up over a year. I gave up on Mandarin's when I was new because of the fear of starving them. I simply forgot that they would be a good candidate for this (was thinking wrasse). If I could figure out a way to easily trap many of these pods I'm pretty sure I could go into business selling them LOL. I'll have to see if Matt can get me a pair as he had this beautiful set before:
A single mandarin would eat pods at a faster rate then a tank of that size can sustain them. Over time they will dwindle, add two and you will speed up the time that it takes for them to run out of food. If you really want them, but ORA ones that eat pellets. This way they will eat more then one source of food.
A single mandarin would eat pods at a faster rate then a tank of that size can sustain them. Over time they will dwindle, add two and you will speed up the time that it takes for them to run out of food. If you really want them, but ORA ones that eat pellets. This way they will eat more then one source of food.
you can always train them.. thats what i did with my mandarin and leopard wrasse..trained them to eat flakes and frozena and they are fat as can be lol
FWIW, the system is 60+ total gallons. The DT is a 20 L but there is a a 29 sump and a 20t refugium with many types of macro, mangroves and LR. Also LR in the sump section and the DT of course.