are these harmless amphipods?

If it worked 100% of the time sure, but why chance it when you can get a tank raised instead of a wild caught one. That's my advice.

I would still argue that over that it will still out eat the reproduction. The problem is that just about everything in your tank will eat pods. Let alone anything you may consider putting in there. I still think the tank breed one is your best option.

I think that is a valid point, but there are only 2 clowns in there and they definitely don't eat the pods. In my 45 cube system I have tons in my fuge as well, but I don't see them in the DT because they are getting taken out by several fish. If I got desparate I could probably trap and transfer, but I have to imagine there is at least an adequate source initially. Hopefully I would be able tto train them on mysis (I have some that is smaller than a lot of my pods) and I would always pick tank bred over wild if given a choice so I think I will start keeping an eye out for a nice dragonett since this frag system is geting overrun by these creepies. I think they are even taking out my other pods as I don't see any other species in this tank.
I think that is a valid point, but there are only 2 clowns in there and they definitely don't eat the pods. In my 45 cube system I have tons in my fuge as well, but I don't see them in the DT because they are getting taken out by several fish. If I got desparate I could probably trap and transfer, but I have to imagine there is at least an adequate source initially. Hopefully I would be able tto train them on mysis (I have some that is smaller than a lot of my pods) and I would always pick tank bred over wild if given a choice so I think I will start keeping an eye out for a nice dragonett since this frag system is geting overrun by these creepies. I think they are even taking out my other pods as I don't see any other species in this tank.
Nate stop by sho tanks.. he had a couple spotted mandarins.. had a lot of luck with these guys eating flakes and frozen..
Did you get these guys from ur eBay mangroves?

no I've had them since day one on my LR. Never really had them accumulate until I redid the fuge on the grow-out system. They really like the new set-up :) They're definitely not hurting anything, but I'm just not into raising arthopods as pets. LOL
I think that is a valid point, but there are only 2 clowns in there and they definitely don't eat the pods. In my 45 cube system I have tons in my fuge as well, but I don't see them in the DT because they are getting taken out by several fish. If I got desparate I could probably trap and transfer, but I have to imagine there is at least an adequate source initially. Hopefully I would be able tto train them on mysis (I have some that is smaller than a lot of my pods) and I would always pick tank bred over wild if given a choice so I think I will start keeping an eye out for a nice dragonett since this frag system is geting overrun by these creepies. I think they are even taking out my other pods as I don't see any other species in this tank.

It's true pods do eat each other, certain species feast on the weaker ones. Clowns will eat pods too, just not when there is something else to eat typically, my fudge clowns do it. I get mad too because I don't have a nice supply like yours. :) there is no doubt in my mind that you have plenty now, it's just what happens a few months or a year down the line? Always better prepared then not. :)

I'm not trying to stray you away from gobies, I love them. When I had them though, I never seen him do anything else then hunt, day and night lol.
Don't know if you can see this video but You would want your refugium to look something like this with pods.... Then you'll for sure know your Mandarin will we feed

That is one heck of a pod swarm !