Are you leaving the Hobby or considering it?


Premium member
I see a lot of sale threads. Are you leaving the hobby or considering it? Please share why you are leaving. Thanks.
Spot on and yes
Been thinking about it for a CPL months now

1. Travel - going out of country every 6 months for 3 weeks is screwing up the tank not letting me have sps.
I know ..could be automated but if tank leaks hmmm living on 41st floor has its disadvantages

2. Cost of the corals - when sps corals first came out with that high price tag I thought hmmmm ok sps are hard to keep so may be it's kinda ok for a $500 for 1 inch frag .. then came anemones, myself having bought a sunburst nem for $200 before the bubble burst thought ok $700 is may be stays for a little while but now sunbursts selling at $1400 ?? ( Facepalm)
Finally comes euphylia ..Hardy, no need for special care, colors are ok and now selling for $200 a head lol it's time we find a new hobby.
I somewhere read -- "price is only ever an issue in the absence of value" which is what is happening now ..time for a nicer hobby :)

3. Time - I still have some corals and fish in the tank .. a sunburst nem and a few jaw breakers but the amount of time I'm spending on tank on average in a month is about 2 hours that too clean the glass and fill in rodi for top off and may be a water change every 3 months :) I'm liking not having to worry about it :)

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I think this hobby can be expensive. I also think it is a beautiful one. @tinman spoke up valid points. I am not ready to give it up. I have always loved aquatic life. I love to gaze at the tank and gain a peaceful state of mind. This hobby is therapeutic for me. I do understand the cost associated with it. I do understand that it takes time and attention. its almost like having a child. I look at it like this, some have dogs, some have cats, I have marine life. :)
At one point I considered it because I didn’t have enough time or was preoccupied with with work and the family. But after a vacation to Georgia and checking out the Georgia Aquarium, my passion for the hobby came back. Also for me instagram was also another big reason why I got back to the hobby. Seeing many different tanks on instagram, connecting with some peeps, and also talking directly to many aquarium manufacturers, coral vendors, and product vendors helped me stay in the hobby.

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I considered it this past summer when my air conditioner went down and the tank overheated and crashed. All my fish survived but lost most of my sps and lps colonies. I just hate the time and effort I spent on it only to have it wiped in one weekend. Then I thought about the enjoyment it gives me and stuck with it.
I considered it this past summer when my air conditioner went down and the tank overheated and crashed. All my fish survived but lost most of my sps and lps colonies. I just hate the time and effort I spent on it only to have it wiped in one weekend. Then I thought about the enjoyment it gives me and stuck with it.
Keeping the tank cool in the summer has been an issue for me too. I have seen my tank get up to 84 degrees. I hope now since its in my basement which is always cooler in the summer that it will also be cooler. I might even consider buying a chiller. Then I might not. a fan also helps lower the temp but there will be more evap.
I think this hobby can be expensive. I also think it is a beautiful one. @tinman spoke up valid points. I am not ready to give it up. I have always loved aquatic life. I love to gaze at the tank and gain a peaceful state of mind. This hobby is therapeutic for me. I do understand the cost associated with it. I do understand that it takes time and attention. its almost like having a child. I look at it like this, some have dogs, some have cats, I have marine life. :)

let me quote what i said again
price is only ever an issue in the absence of value
its never about just being expensive .. i didnt complain when sps are $500 a tiny frag .. its understandable ( would i buy them again ? may be ) but frogspawns and torches at $300 -- $1300 yes i feel sorry about that .
Keeping the tank cool in the summer has been an issue for me too. I have seen my tank get up to 84 degrees. I hope now since its in my basement which is always cooler in the summer that it will also be cooler. I might even consider buying a chiller. Then I might not. a fan also helps lower the temp but there will be more evap.

chillers are not alot of money , i'd never put my tanks in basement as i believe upstairs there easier to enjoy as much more time is spent there
I have to put it in the basement because once you hit a certain size, weight on the floors becomes a factor. To eliminate that, a basement is a great place in my opinion. Not only that, less water damage in the basement as floors are concrete. I will have to resand my floors on my first floor because tanks sometimes damage the area they are in even if its salt creep on the wall or hitting the floors. I have had my skimmer overflow due to my own negligence and the basement is bigger and it is being refinished as an entertainment area so it's perfect.
Yeah, unfortunately have to leave the hobby. My tank took a hit this past summer, don't have central air and it was really hard keeping the temp down - was battling back algae. Finally got that under control and my wife got pregnant + pending move, so 🤷‍♂️
Yeah, unfortunately have to leave the hobby. My tank took a hit this past summer, don't have central air and it was really hard keeping the temp down - was battling back algae. Finally got that under control and my wife got pregnant + pending move, so

You can always come back when the time is right. Until then enjoy family life and congratulations on your coming new addition! Kids are a reason to live!!

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Yeah, unfortunately have to leave the hobby. My tank took a hit this past summer, don't have central air and it was really hard keeping the temp down - was battling back algae. Finally got that under control and my wife got pregnant + pending move, so 🤷‍♂️
A new addition to the family well congrats.
2. Cost of the corals - when sps corals first came out with that high price tag I thought hmmmm ok sps are hard to keep so may be it's kinda ok for a $500 for 1 inch frag .. then came anemones, myself having bought a sunburst nem for $200 before the bubble burst thought ok $700 is may be stays for a little while but now sunbursts selling at $1400 ?? ( Facepalm)
Finally comes euphylia ..Hardy, no need for special care, colors are ok and now selling for $200 a head lol it's time we find a new hobby.
I somewhere read -- "price is only ever an issue in the absence of value" which is what is happening now ..time for a nicer hobby :)

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