Asterina Starfish Outbreak

I'm in need of some opinions. I have an outbreak of these stars. Have been trying for months to rid my tank of them, but they stay in the rock work and make it almost impossible to manually remove. My local fish store has a harlequin shrimp for sale for 70.00, but then I'm tied to feeding it every two weeks. I also have a wrasse that I'm afraid might like the expensive meal. I was thinking about doing lights out for 5 days and placing a flashlight by one side of my tank. Have read that the stars are attracted to light in the AM so then I could do a manual removal. Wanted some thoughts or how other reefers have dealt with this issue. I hate these guys. Really really hate them. They have done a number on my coralline algae and my Zoas. Thanks in advance.
Manual removal works. Just remove every day any asterina sartfish that is close to the surface so you don't stress out fish and corals. After couple months you will see the difference. They are no big deal. Don't do blackouts, fish and corals don't like that.
If you get a harlequin shrimp, let them eat off the stars. They’re easy to spot at night with the flashlight. Catch and rehome after they do the job. That way you never have to feed them Every two weeks like you said.

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Thanks. Just hoping the wrasse doesn't get to him before he can get the job done.
Wrasse does will with a fire shrimp I have in the tank. Hope it's the same with this guy.
I have 4 Harlequins and they are the Coolest , after they cleaned out all the Asterina stars now they get a Chocolate chip every 2 weeks
Do you have any wrasse in your tank? How much are you paying for the CC Star? My local fish store said a CC Star is running 35.00.