Aurora/Naperville Area Reefers: Can I pet your fish?

LOL... I know right. I ****ing jinxed myself. I remember saying something as I was leaving like, "This MINI is already my money sinking hobby." I should have knocked on wood! It died at the intersection near my house. I was able to limp home, but it had to be towed to the shop this morning. I still haven't heard back on what the problem is, and they closed for the weekend.
LOL... I know right. I ****ing jinxed myself. I remember saying something as I was leaving like, "This MINI is already my money sinking hobby." I should have knocked on wood! It died at the intersection near my house. I was able to limp home, but it had to be towed to the shop this morning. I still haven't heard back on what the problem is, and they closed for the weekend.

I drive an 05 S as my work beater. It is the funniest little piece of crap I have ever owned. I got to the point of carrying extra fuel pump relays in my glove box. I don't know what year you have but the FP relay is a piece of crap and will leave you stranded. The DI motors are even worse, I chose my generation as it was the shiniest turd they make.
Yeah, mine is an 06 S, also from the first and best gen. According to the Internet, the 06 is the most reliable Cooper ever made. My lengthy list of out of warranty repairs would tend to disagree with that, but I've never had a problem with my FP or DI motor so maybe it's (sad but) true!

All that said, I truly love the car dearly.
The DI motors were later Generations. The Fuel Pump relay is down by your left foot and easy to change out. If you turn the key forward but don't start the car and do not hear the fuel pump under the back seat it's most likely it. On a side note the blower motor uses the same Part number relay so if it ever happens swap them and you can at least get home with no heat or AC.

Your right about that Gen, especially if is a six speed. Over the last 30,000 miles I have to change the relay and change the coolant sensor which is buried but easy to change out once you actually get to it. Eventually I have to change the Supercharger oil, but that looks like a serious weekend of swearing.

I have officially hijacked this thread, sorry.
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