Automatic Top Off System-looking for ideas

Following along on this thread was great. I too am looking into Ato options. I evaporate about a gallon of water a day. Right now I just do a couple dumps during the day. I am really wanting to do it some how where my rodi makes the water and it directly pumps to the tank, but that is so scary to think about. Just seems like a flood or salinity dilution waiting to happen. I am liking the 5 gallon with an auto lifter idea. More details on that would be great.
Not trying to hijack I promise :)

The Tunze Osmolator Universal 3155 may work with the type of setup you want. It's more then the JBJ but the electronic water level sensor will prevent flooding.

Here is a link to a video about the Tunze.

Tunze Osmolator Universal 3155 - Bulk Reef Supply - YouTube

Hope this helps
Not directly, but with a system lab module you can add the digital aquatic dual float switch kit and program the rkl to run any top off pump of choice.

that's what I have!
DA float switch
auqu lifter pump
2.5 gallon jug.

The whole set up cost me around $100 and I have full control of it through my RKL. If you do this make sure you have the pump on the manual relays on the PC4 (outlet 1 or 4). The pump will still draw power from the passive ports (2&3) even after they switch off - never turning the pump off. Has something to do with low voltage equpment continuing to pull a current.
I use the SL1 with dual float switch on my RKL but that is only because I have it. The best designed ATO switch on the market is the Avast Marine pressure switch. It's impossible to fool it and needs to read specific pressure for a couple seconds to prevent false readings.

I'm going to be ordering one of these switches to replace my float switch A next week.
i use solenoid valve connected to my ro/di systrem with timer.

Do you have any failsafes like mechanical float valves tied into that system? Those direct pressure solenoid systems scare me. If it sticks open the water just never stops coming.
Do you have any failsafes like mechanical float valves tied into that system? Those direct pressure solenoid systems scare me. If it sticks open the water just never stops coming.

i dont Ted but i will get one because its worry me a little bit,never got problem with it though.
Do you have any failsafes like mechanical float valves tied into that system? Those direct pressure solenoid systems scare me. If it sticks open the water just never stops coming.

See this is exactly my paranoia, the failing solenoid that is. I really do want to find a way to do a direct flow from my RODi to my tank somehow. What do you guys think would be a totally (or almost totally) fail-safe way of doing it?

My fail safe is having no floats of any kind. I spent several days monitoring how many seconds per hour were needed to keep water level the same over a 24 hour period, and have those values locked into my reefkeeper, all I have is a check valve on the outlet of the aqua lifter to pinch off the line from siphoning the top 1/5 of my gallon top off jug after a fresh refill every other day. I'm looking into a new small cabinet I can put next to my tank to hold a 5 gallon bucket so I only have to refill that once a week.
Just ordered the JBJ ATO with an aqua lifter yesterday fr BRS! Gonna pump from your standard LFS 5gal jug...can't wait to get it all set up!
i seen sum dir where he just spliced the float switches into the extension cord. then just plug in yur pump. or jusy buy a controller
i seen sum dir where he just spliced the float switches into the extension cord. then just plug in yur pump. or jusy buy a controller

Do NOT under any circumstances splice float switches directly into your 110v AC power cord. That is just asking for you to die and your home to burn down.
did i get marked down for saying that or sumthin? wats this reputation all bout

My opinion, ignore the rep power feature. Giving members the ability to submit negative rep just makes it a novelty, as no matter how much useful info you provide, it only takes a couple people that can't restrain themselves from ruining your overall rep for whatever reason they want.