baby cleaner shrimps


Active member
so i was taking top down pics as lights dimmed down and caught something for the first time. ive always had cleaner shrimps and other and they always carried eggs bt never seen what happened to them. i just so happened to be in the right place at the right time, one of my cleaners walked to top corner of tank and was looking weird like her underside was larger then normal almost furry she then walked over to my mp 10 and did this. (sorry for pics but u get the idea)







she had to do this twice to rid her from all the lil guys. cant tell in pic but all those lil white spots are lil shrimps and they are swimming around my tank tons of them. pretty excited i caught it and figured id share it
wat ever i got just turned off flow and shot away pics came out clear on corals because top water wasnt moving so it was clear look down
Now thats pretty cool one of those things that remind me why im in this hobby to c things u normally dont c
I've had 2 set of shrimps spawn and both times they carried to term. My fish loved it and the entire tank was in a frenzy. My shrimp are with eggs now...and I can't wait for them hatch. Xmas all over again.