I'll take number 8
1. 120 Gallon with 30 gallon refugium (in process of creating a 40 gallon sump)
2. Bio Pellets, GFO Reactor, Carbon Reactor, 2 Radion XR30W Pro G4
3. pH 7.8, Temp 78.9, alk 7.2, ca 465, mag 1365
4.Not dosing, just .8 gallon a day automatic water changes through Apex DOS
I'm in the process of settup a frag tank but it's not going in there I don't think (almost done seeding)
1. 20 Gallon long
2. Biowheel 200 with GFO in it and Carbon
3. temp 79 (haven't tested anything else yet), Rapid led DIY lighting kit.
4. Nothing yet