Bayer dip for corals

I just lost 9 SPS frags from dipping to long in to concentrated of a solution. I tried 10ml in 500cc of water for 15min and all my pieces RNT by the next morning. I did a thoroughly rinse afterwards too. I should used some test frags to see how they did first.

Woah, that's way too much!!! I've used it in the past with awesome results. Works on everything. I lost all my color on a bonzi, went from purpleand green, to gray, in under a minute, and took months to recover. Then I realized I was using a solution that was way to concentrated. Be careful!

I use a concentration of 2 cups to .5 ML of bayer, so I make a couple gallons of saltwater in a 5 gallon bucket with (4ml per gallon). It only needs 45 seconds or so at this concentration, atleast I've seen stuff die at this concentration and time. Dip too long, color is lost. There is a pretty big range of error, but 10 ml in 500 ml of water for 15 minutes is WAAAAYYYYYYY out of the window of error. It's pretty fast acting stuff.