Become a ChicagoReefs premium member

:cheer2:whooohooo :cheer2: look at all these people!!! with all this support, our giveaway might just be a brand new APEX... haha i am kidding. I'm glad to see so many people helping out. thanks admins for your hard work :congrats:
trying to determine pot odds? :a26:

Nope. Just curious about how many folks are supporting the forums.

I'm on here alot and use the board as a knowledge database, but I tend to see the same folks names over and over. This board could be so much better if more folks contributed and exchanged more ideas, thoughts and opinions.

Supporters tend to be folks who are more serious about the hobby and want to see it grow and become I just wanted to see how many do we have in the Chicago area, not to say that those who don't or can't support aren't.
Bam! Haha...

Edit: Doh! I figured it might be instantaneous, but I guess not. Soon though, muahahahaha...
Thank you! Along witb all the members that signed up in the last 24hrs

The information I have learned from reading and talking to others is awesome.

20.00 to support a site that I love to use daily is no problem.