Benefit of an Alk monitor


Started dosing Acropower on Sunday and noticed Alk rising daily. Now turned off dosing on Alkatronic.

From doing research "Coral may not be happy with dosing of acropower Or, if its carbon, that can via denitrification increase alkalinity"


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Turned off my Acropower dosing sonit skipped the 4pm dose and here are the results since

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Wait, what? The theory is that acropower stopped/slowed growth, so alk take-up decreases? Or that acropower causes denitrification and that causes alk to go up?

Both sound a bit fishy to me.
Wait, what? The theory is that acropower stopped/slowed growth, so alk take-up decreases? Or that acropower causes denitrification and that causes alk to go up?

Both sound a bit fishy to me.
Could be a combination of both. I have found other posts with the same issue. For most people acropower helps. I wonder if my tank is still recovering from the little crash last month so it's too soon to use acropower.

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That's interesting. Now that you are testing Alk so frequently, what do you consider stable?

I'm using a calc reactor, and usually I see no more then a .25-.5 shift through out the day based off of testing every 4 hours. I experimented with testing every 1 to 2, but was going through testing solution to quickly and didn't see much more of a difference. With all of that said, these past couple of weeks Ive had a heck of a time keeping things stable and I cannot seem to figure out why. I'm finding my Alk going up about +1 dKh and out side of my range, resulting in me trying to bring it back down in range, so more changes, slow change, in the drip rate and bubble rate in my c02 reactor. I've never tried to do the math on what my tanks actual consumption is and have been. Hard to manage precisely.