Best Bit for Drilling Rock?


New member
I think I'm going to make some sort of cool design with my live rock now that the coral is gone and I don't need so much horizontal space. I was noticing today that the entire top 1/2 of my tank is open wasted space and all of my fish tend to stay down by the rock structure. Trying to open things up without removing any rock.

So what is the best 1/2" drill bit for drilling live rock? I know I should use a masonry bit, but is there a specific brand/design/tip/alloy that would be best for the job?
the rock is so soft I would think the wider tipped masonry bit would increase the chance of breakage. I would thing a cheap regular steel bit you don't mind ruining would be more controllable. I imagine rock varies some, but you can basically scrape it away with your fingernail.
the rock is so soft I would think the wider tipped masonry bit would increase the chance of breakage. I would thing a cheap regular steel bit you don't mind ruining would be more controllable. I imagine rock varies some, but you can basically scrape it away with your fingernail.

Good deal. I guess I'll just get a bunch of regular steel bits and a masonry bit or 2 for the really dense stuff if I get there.
I'm actually drilling my rock in the morning and I have hundreds of bits yes hundreds anyways I'll repost after I start I'm gonna start with regular drill hoping not to.crack anything I'll let you know
A masonary bit and a non hammer drill should do the trick. Flatter rock is more of a crack threat than a chunk from what I have done.
just started drilling got a couple structures.drilled noticed my new.but was taking out chunks so I went with an older wore out bit and like butter just gotta charge my.batteries now
They also sell plastic ones with screw type on the outside at Michael's. Lots of people use the markers cause they are cheap.
I used drive way markers frome hd 3/8 bit worked perfect for my application cut them down with hacksaw pretty easy I bought ten markers for 20 bucks and still have alot left
I found that when drilling holes for my setup (rocks zip tied to pvc frame) that masonry bits (inexpensive set of bits made by ryobi) worked fine, the trick was getting a squirt bottle and filling it up with water to keep the drill bit wey while drilling, less friction = less unwanted cracks in the rock.
i didnt if you scrape fiber glass youll be in for splinter surprise doesnt feel good you can paint tho if you wanted to