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Looking to upgrading my 4 Stage RODI unit I appreciate any suggestions!
Looking to upgrading my 4 Stage RODI unit I appreciate any suggestions!
I been using the DI media from Bulk reef supply Supply, I have a 5 stage 75 gal per day RO/DI with a booster pump. It produces 0 TDS water. I will be installing the water saving kit conversion soon. I been also thinking about adding a second DI resin canister but I don’t think I needed at this point yet.Looking to add a power booster and few more canisters for better phosphate and DI control, been trying to figure out what resins would be best suited for our Lake Michigan water supply, and seeing what others are using.
Add another DI canister. That way you can use all of the DI resin up in one of the canisters before the TDS creeps up.
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