New member
Don't feed it too much, or it'll outgrow your tank fast.
try putting a rock to enircle the foot, him moving means he doesn't like it. wen did he walk around? the first day?
Don't feed it too much, or it'll outgrow your tank fast.
But I feed mine frozen hakari mysis, frozen krill, and raw shrimp from the supermarket. I feed 2-3 times a week. I'm hoping the rainbow colors up soon... Tips are pink now at least.
This is all you should be feeding your anemones, if anything (they do not ever need to be fed unless bleached). It is no longer recommended to feed silversides, especially to E. Quadricolor due to issues with digestion. I would go over to the reef central clownfish and anemone forum for more info.
realy? this is news to me. guess ill have to go check it out
Divers Den Description said:rBalinese bi-colored rose bubble tip anemone. This anemone has a green oral disc and an orange mouth. The tentacles of this anemone stick well and are red with pink tips. The underside of the oral disc is green, with a pink column and pedal disc. This anemone prefers to attach to a flat surface, and is maintained under 250-Watt Aqualine Buschke HQI double ended metal halide bulbs that are suspended 18" above the water surface in a raceway that is 16" deep. This anemone is fully quarantined, and is feeding well on a mix of PE Mysis and finely chopped raw shrimp. The diameter of the pedal disc is 1-1/2" and the anemone is 4-1/2" in diameter when fully open.
This is all you should be feeding your anemones, if anything (they do not ever need to be fed unless bleached). It is no longer recommended to feed silversides, especially to E. Quadricolor due to issues with digestion. I would go over to the reef central clownfish and anemone forum for more info.
is it good or bad to feed it freeze dried foods? I do have pe mysis and krill and raw shrimp just incase..
Freeze dried is fine. If you are feeding freeze dried try to enrich with Selcon. If feeding fresh/frozen the selcon isn't necessary for anemones.