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Dont wanna get into a bible war with anybody. Ive probably read through the bible more than alot of you. I went to Christian school for a long time. I've also come to realize that there are alot of hipocrisy going on with religious folks. Why do u think Jesus came and had to revolutionize how people practiced back in the day.
People have always changed stories from the past and the Bible is written by man.
I dont care how much bible u know, trust me, I know just as much. I care how spiritual a person is. A kind man will go to heaven before any hypocrite preacher.
Anyways, Will, I've met you once and really liked you. you also make good products. I don't know why people would talk smack about you.
I'm not here to get into it either becasue in the end everyone will be Judged... Hypocrisy is part of Sin NO Christain is perfect and if any Christian believes that they live a perfect life then they are living in the wrong world. No one has the right to point the finger at anyone, if they choose to live the way they live then they have to deal with the end result.... I've been raise in a church went to a Lutheran school for 2 years. I am definetly not perfect in anyway and will never be. The only one that perfect is the man above.
Neil degrasse Tyson know there a relm beyond us that God could be and very well be in. But I guess I'll leave the bricking alone... Casue I can go on and on....