Black Ice or Buckshot Clowns?

It's easy to get both in the same fish. I have several BlackIce with Buckshot patterns. Small correction.....BuckShot are made using pure Orange ocellaris with snowflake. BlackIce parents are Black & White female and a Snowflake male. The BlackIce should have a much darker, if not black,background. I just released new batches of both. As well as more Plats, Onyx and piccasso.
Thanks for the correction, so true "buckshots" are not black ice, but black ice clowns can show extreme spotting similar to the buckshot is how I understand your description?

When is the announcement of this new release you are working on? I have too much tank and not enough of it being used by sexy clowns!
If you really want to spend some $ at Mitch's, check out his Electric Blue Booyah's Buckshots. I picked up a pair at MACI. Essentially, they're like the normal buckshots, but there's a faint line of blue around the edge of all the white. I found these pictures of mine - the blue does NOT show up in the pictures, but everywhere you see "plain scales" is where the blue is. It sounds weird, I know, but that's how my camera is picking it up.


Those are very nice Dave! I ended up getting a pair of black ice buckshots. It was the best of both worlds! Black ice and the buckshots. I'll be posting pics soon! Just need them to settle down a bit and then I'll bust out the macro lens!
Here are some pictures of my new Booyah's Black Ice Buckshots from Mitch. Sorry for the poor quality. I'll take some much better pictures from these guys once they settle down a bit! These are best ones that I could get out out 1000 blurry pictures! Give Mitch a call and get some of his clowns..... you won't be disappointed!





And a look down at their mohawks!


Mithch - Trust me, I'll get some better as soon as they stop flying around and find a host. I get tired just watching them! They just cruise from one end to the other and from the bottom to the top and back down. Thanks again for helping me pick out a great pair!