Black Ice

Alright, I hate to be a meanie, but in the spirit to help....

It could be the angle of the photographs, but the clowns have a serious overbite. Which is not good for the fish. Yes, their patterns are lovely, but they should have been culled from the breeder as to not sell genetically deformed fish. The fish may live a happy, long life with the overbite, but it could also lead to early death. Just an FYI.

The "neon pink nem" is bleached. Sorry to say it... when it's so translucent like that it is not getting enough light. What kind of lighting is it under now and what kind was it under in your friends tank? Your other nems look good and healthy, but that one looks like it's seen better days.
Were your B&W total a-holes when you stuck you hand in the tank? I'm thinking mine are getting more & more aggressive & there's got to be eggs somewhere!
Poidog.... Thanks I never notice that what pic is a with serious overbite so I can discuss it with the breeder, and nem pink nem is under t5's with my friend and w/ me. Its been like that ever since with his tank it could be the light but still it is a pretty color of a nem.

Pufferpunk : B & W was never aggressive even it had eggs, but they keep sure no fish go near the eggs. My shrimp feeds on Asterina starfish I have a lot. I had him for 2 months already.
Eric do you have pic of your snowflake so I can see the difference between a perfect clown and the one with overbites

The clown in front is my 100% "Perfect" clown from ORA. The clown in the back is from Crooks, also pretty **** perfect (and only $50 to boot).

I do in my tank build thread. It's simple though... the ones in your photo the lower jaw protrudes out like an overbite. the jaws sould line up even.

Overbites are found more often with breading designer clownish because of the the selective breeding to get the patterns. So more genetic defects stay around because one with a nice pattern also has a defect so it is not culled by the breeder. It can also be a result from too much cross-DNA (inbreeding).
They are mine and I am very proud of them. As I have stated before. I raise fish, I don't kill fish. I sell fish for what they are worth. Some people don't want to spend alot for fish. I have your fish. Some people have no problem spending over 300$. I got that fish too. Take mama and dady at Rods, they should have been culled. Who would not give their left anything for that pair,they are pretty old also. No one here knows how much was payed for these fish.If I said 100 for the pair.....Then what?let's all stop leaking in folks cornflakes.
Mitch, I hate killing things - that's why I could never be a breeder. Yes, selling a defective fish for a reduce price does make perfect sense, but also making the buyer aware that they have a genetic defect that could be an issue for the fish in the future (like a little disclaimer - this one is reduced because of xyz).

Are you the one that is usually at the CMAS swaps, or is that Crooks? Whoever is there they always have beautiful clowns.
Mitch, I hate killing things - that's why I could never be a breeder. Yes, selling a defective fish for a reduce price does make perfect sense, but also making the buyer aware that they have a genetic defect that could be an issue for the fish in the future (like a little disclaimer - this one is reduced because of xyz).

Are you the one that is usually at the CMAS swaps, or is that Crooks? Whoever is there they always have beautiful clowns.

Overbite/bulldog/etc. usually isn't genetic. It's the fish running into stuff when they are still developing.