blowing off some steam


New member
hi everyone, I have been searching the net for days trying to find the dementions for the glass cut measurement for a 55 gal sump and how many pieces I will need for the seperations never built one before and am lost. the Internet is no help ask a simple question and get more of a runaround than a phone system.

Can anyone tell me how many and the sizes of glass dividers I need for a simple 55 gal sump with refugium
It depends on how many chambers/sections and how you want the water to flow. If you want a bubble trap it'll take 2/3 pieces, to separate fuge from return area is another piece. Fuge from skimmer area another piece. It just depends on how you want it to be set up.
Funny i just did a sump for a fellow reefer. You will need 6pcs that are 11 3/4'' and the height you want the baffles will depend on the skimmer you choose. If you make them 15'' tall and your skimmer works best in 10inches you need to make a 5inch stand for it.