Blue spotted Jawfish


New member
I've had one of these fish a almost 2 and half years now . i obtained him and alot of my fish from someone who left the hobbie. after having him for a month he disappeared for 6 months and showed up in my sump. he was the saddest looking fish id ever seen, skinny, frightened and big eyes. it was one of the worst feelings I've ever had from this hobbies. Heart ache sick. I felt like total crap realizing he was stuck in the overflows all that time alone until he found a way into the sump. I changed tanks all together to have the corner overflow and not an off set overflow so will be able to see into the overflow section and made sure no gaps into the overflow. He is now my fav fish hands down in my tank even though he holds crabs who crosses his path hostage.

besides the sad story, I've been reading that not a lot of people has success with them and I don't know why they keep saying so especially after all that my little guy went through and is now recovered. I also keep seeing everyone say they live longer with a bit lower temp.

does anyone have any advice about long term for blue spotted jaw fishes?

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They actually have clubs that just talk about these fish . I did a little reading after i failed 4 times with these fish all ate and were fat then six months later kinda turned black and died . Now i know some fish turn black when body uses there muscle for food when they go on hunger strikes but they all ate . Well never found out that issues but did read thay do better in there own tank with sand and rubble to build there homes . Other fish stress them out easily and if they keep moving there homes then they r being stressed by another fish . Temp like u said they like little cooler wanna say like 75 and multiple feedings a day still seems like its another one those basmd azz fish that just dont do well in aquariums few have success but way more failures
I tried two of them and they both jumped on me. There such a beautiful fish and every time I see one at the local fish store they definitely temp you. But there price is so high that I can't pull the trigger on one again.
I tried two of them and they both jumped on me. There such a beautiful fish and every time I see one at the local fish store they definitely temp you. But there price is so high that I can't pull the trigger on one again.
yeah I can relate to you on the price. I got mine used lol . for 130 I got a leather coral, flame angle, damsel( he is non aggressive ), a royal gramma, the blue spotted jawfish and some live rock. it was a steal for sure. at the time I didn't know the price of the jawfish.

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They actually have clubs that just talk about these fish . I did a little reading after i failed 4 times with these fish all ate and were fat then six months later kinda turned black and died . Now i know some fish turn black when body uses there muscle for food when they go on hunger strikes but they all ate . Well never found out that issues but did read thay do better in there own tank with sand and rubble to build there homes . Other fish stress them out easily and if they keep moving there homes then they r being stressed by another fish . Temp like u said they like little cooler wanna say like 75 and multiple feedings a day still seems like its another one those basmd azz fish that just dont do well in aquariums few have success but way more failures
I am surprised then mine still seems okay. I honestly didn't know that they were such trouble. I do have a larger sand bed and he has a lot of tunnels dug out. he has taken all the spare crab shells to help structurally support his home. I've even seen him shove a crab between sand and a rock for support. I threw him some food and the crab ran off. he has stolen my Xenia frag that was on a shell as well(now lost forever). I have to keep frags on the heavy side. but since I now know more about his feeding habits I will try to keep him fed a bit more. he is defiantly the center peice of my tank with his large personality and my gf would kill me if Henery died. yes she named him.

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I am surprised then mine still seems okay. I honestly didn't know that they were such trouble. I do have a larger sand bed and he has a lot of tunnels dug out. he has taken all the spare crab shells to help structurally support his home. I've even seen him shove a crab between sand and a rock for support. I threw him some food and the crab ran off. he has stolen my Xenia frag that was on a shell as well(now lost forever). I have to keep frags on the heavy side. but since I now know more about his feeding habits I will try to keep him fed a bit more. he is defiantly the center peice of my tank with his large personality and my gf would kill me if Henery died. yes she named him.

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People do have sucess u should try find that forum has good info and maybe will help u help him thrive . i cant remember name was yrs ago . Beautiful fish and hope u can keep him going
People do have sucess u should try find that forum has good info and maybe will help u help him thrive . i cant remember name was yrs ago . Beautiful fish and hope u can keep him going
so far so good. and yeah once I read most people have issues I thought it would be best to ask around . I will look around for more info and ty.

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