Brine Shrimp Hatchery


New member
So......I bought a hatchery an started putting baby brine shrimp in my sump and display tank. Do you think it would be more beneficial to just grow them and release them in the sump and maybe grow up a little before they inevitably get sucked into the main display and feed some corals fish and whatever gets hungry......any opinions?
Brine shrimp are really only nutritious when they're first born so I say get them into your DT asap.
Yep, within 24 hours of hatching because after that they lose their yolk sac and are 90% water with little nutrition. The sooner the better.
Ok, so it is best to hatch them in my generic setup and them sift them straight into the display it!

Thanks guys, I am trying to feed my fish and corals the most varied diet I can to have the best outcome for them.