Brittle Star hitchhiker


I bought my first zoa cluster today and when I dipped it in CoralRx a Brittle Star came running out of the rock. I pulled it out of the bucket and put it in another container, but it's just laying there. It will move an arm if I touch it, but other than that it looks dead. Does CoralRx kill them, or is a brittle star normally that inactive?
A quick dip in coral rx will stun them and upset them so they leave the rock. A long dip will kill them.
Very rarely does a quick dip kill them. Dips will freak them out along with pods and snails, but if you take them out within a couple minutes and put them in saltwater they bounce back like nothing happened.
You can put him in a small bag of saltwater and float it. If he is still moving tomorrow morning, he'll be fine. Throw him back in the tank.
Obviously if hes not moving at all tomorrow, just toss him.
It wasn't in the Coral Rx more than two minutes. I've moved to to another container with clean water and it's moving around more so I think it's recovering.

I put in a new sump the other night and left the old one with a bout a half inch of water. It sat overnight before I got to it. There were about a half dozen brittle stars still alive in the cold stagnant water. They are pretty hardy.

I will attest, that if you dip for the recommended 5-10 minutes they do not survive.
It's alive. It has been 6 weeks since I put it in the tank, and I finally spotted a few of it's arms sticking out of my rock tonight.

dude at first I thought they were worms I bought a lil piece of live rock that looked like feather dusters were growing on it when I put it in the tank four stars were sticking there arms out they are cool..