Brs high capacity gfo


Hi, so I bought brs high capacity gfo and added to the tank about a week ago. I rinsed with a five gallon bucket and it only took about 3 gal before the water cleared up. The next day i noticed gfo residue in the display tank, all over the sand bed , live rock and even on some corals. I grab a turkey blaster and cleaned them as best as i could. Im thinking the brs reactor is tumbling to much and the gfo is grinding so i modified the flow so that you can barely see the gfo moving. Ever since i added the gfo i come home from work to a dirty glass full of gfo residue and even the green hair algae turned brown. Any ideas anyone?
Need tumbling very lightly not like Bio pellet. Make sure water go thru GFO softly otherwise will brown residue all over...
Most likely still tumbling to fast gfo is a pia to dail in i stopped useing yrs ago tank looked way better after i stopped
Wow sucks to hear that... i heard so many good things about this brs gfo.. how do you guys deal with phospates and nitrates?
I use brs high capacity and love it. Phosphate a completely under control and no dust. You barely want to see the gfo moving in the reactor.
Brought my P04 down from 1.35 to .05 in a month.
When changing out media I'll do it at the same time as a water change so I can use the old tank water to flush any fines that come out before returning to sump.

Yes i have the filter pads in the reactor, i saw a video on youtube were a guy had a dual brs reactor with half a cup on each chamber and on the second he filled the top with carbon to keep and residue or impurities out of the display. And that's how i decided to set up, any better ideas?
Flow rate is key and flushing helps for sure.

The other thing I've done is to use a piece of felt and a rubberband to make a "filter sock" for the return line.
Yeah, flushing helps. Crank up the flow for about 20 seconds and than turn it back down.

I've been using the same high capacity gfo for almost two months. I'll change it out when my phos gets above .05 or when I see gha.
Yes i have the filter pads in the reactor, i saw a video on youtube were a guy had a dual brs reactor with half a cup on each chamber and on the second he filled the top with carbon to keep and residue or impurities out of the display. And that's how i decided to set up, any better ideas?
Ok, saw the video i think i have them tumbling like they should now. I hope it works. Thank you all for all your comments.