BTA going curly on me!


New member
I've got a sunburst BTA, had her about 3 months. I believe it to be happy and it eats well (rods reef, krill basically anything I throw at it every few days. It's not really a concern as I'm thinking it changes form from tank to tank. It does host a pair of clowns. I've been playing with flow a lot on the tank trying to encourage bubble tips with no luck but it does go curly in high flow and straight in lower flow. Anyone had their's go curly? Or even better how can I get her to bubble! From my research, this is a trick question! Just looking for any experiences anyone has had as I'm sure many have tried to accomplish this...some with luck and others with out. Share share share!
When i had them i noticed they bubbled in less flow and went straight in more flow . I always wondered if they bubbled in less flow to better the odds of catching food since not alot of flow just a thought i had im probably wrong though lol
I have two in identical flow, light and feeding. One bubbles, the other one doesn't. Picky simple minded goo blobs.
When i had them i noticed they bubbled in less flow and went straight in more flow . I always wondered if they bubbled in less flow to better the odds of catching food since not alot of flow just a thought i had im probably wrong though lol

My experience has been very similar to what madjoe describes.
madJoe that would certainly make sense, I'm going to try much lower flow tomorrow. I'll post results, but I'm thinking they just do what they want..