Bta went in rw8 pump

Did you get him out and put him in sump ? picked up 1 from Underwater a few weeks ago and did the same ,was'nt in the tank a day and he ended up in pump but hes fine like nothing happened..Good Luck
I agree. Get in out of the pump as gently as you can and place it in a safe spot. And then it 's just a waiting game.
Did you get him out and put him in sump ? picked up 1 from Underwater a few weeks ago and did the same ,was'nt in the tank a day and he ended up in pump but hes fine like nothing happened..Good Luck

No I didn't..had to leave for work this morning..all I did was disconnect the pump.

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I agree. Get in out of the pump as gently as you can and place it in a safe spot. And then it 's just a waiting game.

Thanks Victor I was just worried that my poison the tank.
I had one go into a gyre, it was a mess. Cleaned up, added carbon, and surprisingly no other losses.