bubble tip anemone lighting?

It is new, and it's in a nano cube, so the LEDs (3 white, 3 blue) are either on or off.

Unfortunately, I can't dim them. I will just have to wait it out, and see where it decides to move to.

if you can not dim your LEDs, you can always place three layers of black window screening (available at any of the Big Boxes) above your tank and remove one layer a week...this will filter the intensity of the light and allow the nem to come out of hiding and acclimate to the lighting more naturally...this will also reduce the chance of bleaching the nem which sadly does happen quite frequently...too much light will burn the zooxanthellae within the nems cells and cause bleaching and death if not dealt with properly...
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if you can not dim your LEDs, you can always place three layers of black window screening (available at any of the Big Boxes) above your tank and remove one layer a week...this will filter the intensity of the light and allow the nem to come out of hiding and acclimate to the lighting more naturally...this will also reduce the chance of bleaching the nem which sadly does happen quite frequently...too much light will burn the zooxanthellae within the nems cells and cause bleaching and death if not dealt with properly...

Such a great idea! Searching the garage I found some window tint. Put on 2 layers of 50% this morning, and the nem is already moved out of the cave, into the light.
Thanks for that suggestion. I will watch it and see what it does. Knowing all this now, i'm worried that the nano might not be such a great idea for a nem tank.
If my clowns didn't like to jump, I would take the hood off, and put in a light(s) that is better for them.
Happy to help :)
I'm a huge fan of BTAs (see my thread) and have learned quite a bit about them over the years thru experience and forums such as ours here on CR...
glad to hear the Nem is doing better so quickly ....keep us posted on its progress please
Happy to help :)
I'm a huge fan of BTAs (see my thread) and have learned quite a bit about them over the years thru experience and forums such as ours here on CR...
glad to hear the Nem is doing better so quickly ....keep us posted on its progress please
hey bta fan! what t5s do you use on your nems? And do you think 4 t5s on a 40 breeder is enough? I have nothing but bta's