Cancun Diving - April 2012


Active member
I was in Cancun diving last month so here are some crappy pictures from just one of the many dives - I don't have that fancy $1400 underwater housing for my dSLR yet ;) I tired to get all the crazy fish but they moved too fast for this point and shoot camera. Water temp was 78-79 degrees. Viz varied from 40-80 ft. Dive depths were 30-60ft. Did reef and drifts.

What we saw, but not limited to:





Cuc bigger than a football

Pearly Jawfish. I gave him little rocks that he used to put on his burrow :D



Do you need to be certified before you go diving somewhere like that ? Or can you do it there?

you can always find a "resort course" where they do some quick training in a pool and get you diving right away, but if you plan on diving to any depth or with any frequency any diver would highly recommend full certification through PADI or another acredited organization. It's an awesome relaxing and fun hobby, but it is also about as dangerous as going into space (minus the escape velocity requirements). Some beach bum in a hotel pool in pina cola country is less likely to keep you safe. My .02
Do you need to be certified before you go diving somewhere like that ? Or can you do it there?

Yes and no. Like Herbieace said, you can do a quick resort course called "Discover Scuba" It involves a quick class learning, some pool work, and then 1 dive buddied with a dive master at no more than 40 ft. This is all done in 1 day. It's a good way to get your fins wet to see if you like it. You can use use this minor training towards credit to the below two options.

There are two other options:
SCUBA Diver - this takes about 1/2 the time as the open water diver course and allows you to dive only with direct supervision of a dive master and go to a max depth of 40 ft. This is done in 2 days. You can use the credit of this course towards finishing the open water diver course.

Open Water Diver - is the full course and allows you to dive (with a buddy) without the supervision of a dive master and go to a max depth of 60 ft. This is done in 3-4 days.

Since diving is a "dangerous" sport, I would only recommend OW diver training. The more skills and experience you have will help you save your life if something goes wrong. People die diving all the time. 4 people died in Mexico during the 2 weeks we were there.... all related to lack of skills and not knowing their limitations.
I recommend the Open Water Certification as you learn alot of important safety skills. Also, the Advanced Open Water is fun too! I have both but now just have to get somewhere so I can put them to good use! :)
Sweet diving!!! Love the jawfish! And the nem! Pretty video as well!!!! Thanks for sharing! I hope you have a fabulous time on your upcoming trip!! If you have time to jump over to Cozumel for a day of diving, Dive With Martin is fantastic, we have been diving with them for 3 years. Request David Carvajal and ask to go to the "Devils Throat" . It's the absolute coolest dive I have ever done!!! It will change your life! :)