Candy: Z/Ps

Wow, great pick Dan. I can see that you're enjoying the new lens. Keep in mind that I also have the teleport that you can borrow to get top to bottom shots.
Was able to get a couple more pictures (again, I need to constantly move things around to get clear shots)
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One of my Zoas that is making a comeback from the DT - Still a lot lighter/brighter than before. Any ideas on ID?

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Deep Space 9 PE

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PZ Detonators (PZ Green Lanterns behind)

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Hawaiian PE (need to check name)

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POLL: Would it be easier if I just keep adding pics to my first post so they're all in one place?

Ignore the last picture of the frag rack below... Have no idea why that was added in and cant edit it out lol
Thank u for sharing and I hope they all bounce back for you.

Also thanks for adding in names so all of us new people don't have to try and search on google for them.
Thank u for sharing and I hope they all bounce back for you.

Also thanks for adding in names so all of us new people don't have to try and search on google for them.

No Problem Bill, glad you enjoyed them - I will continue to add pictures as frags heal up (again the last picture of the full rack is just part of my collection). All of us new and old love looking at pictures :)
Just a recap w/ 1-2 new ones. Getting some more shots here and there - Again, Frags have to be in just the right place to get the focus right so sometimes that means moving them...waiting for them to re-open...checking w/ cam...moving lol

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And one of my Sexy Shrimp playing hide-and-seek in his Nem

Amazing collection you got going and even better pictures. Can't wait to get back into corals again.

Thanks :) Im just looking back on what I "had" those that have seem my tank know that I basically had a 120g FRAG tank lol - i had 6" of eggcrate...spanning my entire 5' tank. Here's just one 'section' (1/3 of it)

Colors and growth were fantastic - now after the crash I lost several pieces and my couple polyp frags that grew to nice mini-colonies are nearly unrecognizable - 90% of my SPS are gone and lost some nice LPS too. Were ~2mths post-crash and z/ps are finally starting to regain color in the frag tank...DT seems to be back on line so I've been starting to move things over. Goal is my 120g to become a Z/P garden w/ some nice LPS/softies and nems... Maybe afew 'easy' sps to break up the scape....I almost tempted to break out everything (rockwork, etc) and start again but I just don't have the free-time to do that.

None-the-less... I will rebuild her, better than she was before...
haha wow! You are a trooper.

I am sure it will be back in no time. If you need some zoas, let me know. Now that my tiny frags have turned into mini colonies, I would be happy to frag whatever I have left to get your collection back up.
Dan, I've seen your tank and yeah I recall how you had zoas everywhere... I'm happy to see that your almost back.