Capturing Tiny Brittle Stars


Anyone have a specific trick for getting the little ones to come out of a rock you want to trash. I want the stars, but not the bryopsis on it for my 45. They just put an arm out like hitchhikers when there is food in the water but they never leave the rock and disappear when you get close. Any magical methods to try?
I broke my rock up and used tin snips to try cut em out not gental but got job done

I thought about that, but it's sort of a cool rock. I also don't want to buy tiny brittles for like 6 a piece, so that may be an option.
i did this a couple of times but when u see them sticking out of a rock gently with some rubber tip tweezers i was able to grab a couple a pull them out slowly. i only did this around 5 times and they were fine.
Try putting some food in a stocking and when they try to get the food, their tentacles will get stuck in the stocking fibers. Same trick for bristleworms.
wow, really? Will I be able to remove them safely? that is definitely a new one. Thanks smitty. I think stocking are entirely under used in this hobby (and life in general I guess) Just any ole hoes I suppose?
No problem Nate...yep, any hose will do(I have a bunch of wave caps lying around). And after you've caught them, a pair of tweezers will help get them free.
A really fast dip in DI will get them out of the rock. Dip remove and wait a few seconds and you will be able to snag them as the crawl out.