Carpet eating a Razor Blade

Well nothing so far. It's fully opened and acting normal. Just has a double sided brand new razor blade in it.

Imma have to give it a Latina name now. Their the only ones I know that also keep a blade in their mouth. Lol
Still alive and still no blade. It tried a few times last night but its trying to spit the blade out sideways.

I'm afraid to feed the tank cause I don't wanna risk it catching some feed and trying to eat with that blade in there.
Well nothing so far. It's fully opened and acting normal. Just has a double sided brand new razor blade in it.

Imma have to give it a Latina name now. Their the only ones I know that also keep a blade in their mouth. Lol

Good way to keep your good humor up! Dont worry everything will be fine with Maria (anemone).
Sorry I named her for you lol.
Hahaha. That works.

And I have a magnet I plan to use to grab it. But not till its out. Last thing I need is to have it get irritated and close up, with the blade stuck to a magnet. Then it's cut it or let it take the magnet too
I'm thinking that if it did sustain cuts the anenome would likely heal. Worst case is u end up cutting it in half. I've read of fragging this way.
Looks good. Irritated enough to move a few inches over after being in that spot for about 5 months.

But I don't see any cuts on the outside, face or mouth.