Chad’s 180 Reef

Good news is I have the Dino’s nearly gone. Was able to kick them by the following:

-raised PO4 above 0.1, used neophos from brightwell
-raised NO3 to around 10-15ppm, used neonitro also from brightwell
-put water changes on hold
-added small UV on display, green killing machine. UV will impact those that disperse on the water column at night, such as ostreopsis which is what I had.
-dosed silica daily. This was to get diatom growth to outcompete the Dino’s
-shortened my photoperiod for 2 days when I saw that I was beating them back
-manual removal where you can and blowing them off the rocks and glass after lights out

Looking forward to being able to enjoy the tank soon without worrying about these. My case was fairly mild as I caught it early having dealt with Dino’s before. No coral or fish losses.

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Haven’t posted much updates as I’ve gone through two fights with two different Dino’s. Tank looked like crap with them and you sort of hate looking at it. I believe I have them pushed back and am going through a diatom bloom with all the silicate I’ve dosed to outcompete the Dino’s. Not seeing any more Dino’s in my samples via microscope.

The other issue is my parameters have bounced a little bit. With raising nutrients to fight the Dino’s, my PO4 and NO3 has bounced a little. I’ve lost some of my “canary” frags like digitata while others have slowed down in growth. Had to dose less alk and ca. However some SPS has continued to flourish and grow.

Here’s some LPS I’ve added. Torch, frogspawn and elegance coral.

Also have started going more towards and aggressive tank and added a few scorps/lions. Here’s one of my favorites, a frondosa rhinopias

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Wow that torch looks great

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Thanks man!!! Once I get my parameters back in line I’d like to buy some more SPS when they are available. Thinking hippie juice, Pink Floyd and maybe a home wrecker?

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Thanks man!!! Once I get my parameters back in line I’d like to buy some more SPS when they are available. Thinking hippie juice, Pink Floyd and maybe a home wrecker?

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Let me know. Hopefully the floyd will be ready by then that guy and the pikachu are taking their time

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Haven’t posted in a while but tank is humming along. Made some changes over the past month.
-Got rid of MH and went back to my Radions. Added an Aquatic Life T5 hybrid to supplement the LEDs.
-Went from gyres back to MP40s
-Started to grow chaeto which has helped balance my PO4 and NO3
-Was able to pick up a Trident and have had on system for a couple of weeks

The only thing I’ve noticed is that my PE seems to be much less. Thinking it may be due to the Flame Angel I added a little while back.

Dino’s have been long gone and I have tons of pods due to the chaeto

SPS is growing, notably the Tyree blue matrix and BC June Ruby. My Walt Disney pieces are growing slowly may need to check the par.

Parameters are:
Alk 8.2
CA 445
Mag 1354
NO3 10
PO4 0.09

Here’s some pics;


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Made a big change to the tank, and sold off my SPS. Looking to go lower maintenance with LPS and softies. Also changing livestock by going more aggressive tank with a Japanese Dragon Moray.

Here’s some pics


I wasn’t confident I could keep SPS-like parameters with him and honestly don’t have the time or energy to maintain SPS anymore.

He’s in there with a few tangs and triggers. Leaves everyone alone, but my purple tang (boss of the tank) feels the need to try and hover over his cave aggressively which always gets a response ;)

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