Chgoblknazn's Tank Build Thread

A while ago I decided to experiment with K1 Media in my setup so I threw a handful of the stuff in my sump to let the nitrifying bacteria colonize the media until my CPR Tumblers came back in stock. The K1 became colonized and buoyant a week before the tumblers arrived. I put the media into the Mini Tumbler and I let it do it's thing and decided to dump all of the K1 I had into it. I didn't like the movement of the media in the tumbler so I ditched the tumbler and used the tiny Rio powerhead tumble the media in my return chamber. It worked perfectly. did it's thing and my water was sparkling clean but I noticed my corals were a bit different. At feeding time, the tank would go crazy. I hadn't seen this sort of reaction in months....when I was underfeeding and overskimming. This was not a good thing. So today I took out 3/5 of the K1 because I believe it's really scrubbing my water TOO clean. I also moved the K1 to my fuge overflow where it tumbles perfectly and I removed the Rio powerhead in the return chamber since it's no longer needed. I'll keep an eye on my tank and feed heavily and turn off the skimmer at nights again.

Glad to hear you're getting dirtier over there Walt! It's good to see you making baby steps over to the dark side. to overfeed and overskim is where it's at!