Chgoblknazn's Tank Build Thread

Walt, I found an older thread on CR that I asked the guy if he had some K1 available.!

If he doesnt respond, I also found this:

Is that a fair price for this amount? How much are you using on your system (in liters)?

3 gallons is alot of K1. You will probably be able to sell some of it to lessen your cost.
3 gallons is alot of K1. You will probably be able to sell some of it to lessen your cost.

Yeah I was thinking about using it on a grow out system I will be working on + adding it on a few of my existing systems, one being freshwater. Never hurts to have more of something ;P But do you feel that is a fair price for that amount? I have never seen the stuff, so you are like the K1 spokesperson!