still needing more.
As for the frag grab bag. Should we put a $10-$20 range amount so people aren't feeling cheated and have an idea of what to expect?
And was RCA offering items to raffle off? Should we have that a paid raffle where you buy a raffle ticket for X amount to have the chance to win or since it's being donated should we make it that each attendee recieves one raffle ticket for the drawing?
And I'll offer to run the frag grab
Just realized mr z has been updating the items contributed lost on the first page but I know personally I don't check the first page usually go to last page for most recent postings.
Also everyone should probly bring a camping chair
krocky12 said he is going to donate 4x12 packs of coca cola. and ladder toss game
mr.z will be donating hot dogs, buns, ketchup, mustard and relish. i will also be taking a set of bean bags.
cub21rak will be donating taco salad. yummmmm and a 2nd set of bean bags
Votts will be donating some beer.
skunker ice and 10lbs of pulled pork of course his back yard and home for use. (everyone please thank him) a 3rd set of bean bags
keishacornbread caramel cake yummy yum
foster will be bringing some burgers n case of water
prov WILL bring the sherbert vodka punch
djflashback83 will be bringing a mystery appetizer lol
frankthetank will be donating forks, knives, napkins, plates, watermelon, burgers, and buns.
I also will have plenty of tables to put everything on and plenty of chairs to sit on so no worrys there
and did we want to have a little bean bag tourney? if so entry fee of $5 or $10 sound OK? side bets optional
and the $10 to $20 range for the frag bag sounds good, and should every1 get a ticket for the raffle or just people with tanks

because I could get alot of family to come to increase MY chances to win but that just wouldn't be right