Chicago reefs 1st annual cookout 2012!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SkunkerX plus 4
Prov3:5-6 plus 1
Saledo plus 1-2 (depends on if older kid wants to come)
Cub21rak plus 2/3 depending on wife work schedule
mr_z 1-4 depends on if wife wants to come with the twins.
Krocky12 plus 2
DaveWF plus 3
djflashback83 plus 2
FOSTER plus 2
Smitty plus 5
m.miller plus 2?
Don't forget Daisy and I will be there with Keisha Karamel Kake!!!!

Ok Walt but I hope Tank don't eat daisy JK LOL but just so everyone know my dogs will be roaming around too

they are good dogs but Tank can be a little intimidating sometimes. Here it a pic of both so everyone knows what

to expect.
SkunkerX plus 4
Prov3:5-6 plus 1
Saledo plus 1-2 (depends on if older kid wants to come)
Cub21rak plus 2/3 depending on wife work schedule
mr_z 1-4 depends on if wife wants to come with the twins.
Krocky12 plus 2
DaveWF plus 3
djflashback83 plus 2
FOSTER plus 2
Smitty plus 5
m.miller plus 2?
KeishaKornbread and Daisy
Ok Walt but I hope Tank don't eat daisy JK LOL but just so everyone know my dogs will be roaming around too

they are good dogs but Tank can be a little intimidating sometimes. Here it a pic of both so everyone knows what

to expect.

Daisy has mace in her perfect princess purse, so she'll be good. I think she has a stun-gun too. Daisy is hood. Don't let all her Prada fool you. She will wear a b*tch OUT.
I will attempt to go............................ I can bring whatever, beer, wine, blow,hookers.
Haha ya. Would we have our name the under it our user name so like for mw it would be

Hi my name is
Aka krocky12
You will have to ask Mark about that. So what say you Mark do we get a 1st annual Chicago Reefs Cookout discount

when we show up as a group Saturday?