Chicago reefs 1st annual cookout 2012!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The family is not as interested in the shop as I am, so I'm planning on showing up probably around 330.

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I just realized I didn't signup to bring anything like a sponge, I'll hit a store before I get to RCA and pick up some sides
Well be waiting for everyone in about 40 minutes at skunkerx house look on the first page first post for the address!!!!!!!! I'm

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We're running a little late. I should be every city aquatics in about 8 minutes. And its skunkers shortly afterwards.

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Thanks Steve! Your awesome! We had a good time and I hope our girls werent too much of a hassle.
IMO it seems the grab bag went well and I'm happy with what I got.
Too bad we didn't get the bags tourney going but we can always plan for next time.
Steve your tank looks great! Never new mushrooms could get that huge!
Nice meeting everyone and putting faces along with these SN.
And mark at RCA, thanks for letting us invade your store! First visit there and won't be the last!
Thanks to Steve for opening up his home, had a great time.

Mark and family at RCA, were great hosts for our group and had some good deals.

All in all, I think very successful for the first time!
The family and I had a great time, thanks to everyone who showed up and participated and special thanks to Steve and Gina for opening their home up to us all. Nice meeting everyone and let's do it again someday.
Thanks for a great time - we all enjoyed ourselves.
You know, it occurred to me, I NEVER GOT TO SEE STEVE'S TANK!!!
Maybe next time ;)
Had an awesome time and it was great seeing folks again or for the first time. Thanks Steve and Gina for opening up the home to us crazy folks.
Thanks to everyone who participated in bring stuff and thanks Steve for everything that you did it was nice to meet you :)
That was quiet a bit of driving for them but it was fun ad I woulda drove further for this then I did. I had fun and it's nice getting out and meeting new people.
Today was awsome! Thanks Steve and Gina for being great hosts. My family and I had a blast! Always nice to meet so many cool people and fellow reefers!
yeah thanks to steve for alowing us to use their home and back yard. i had a blast also. it was nice putting faces on some of the screen names on here. id like to also give special thanks to the person that drove to the cookout from the farthest. steve1986 drove from melrose park and second was krocky and his dad from oswego. shows that some of our members are truly dedicated. food was great. kids runin around we didnt get the bean bag tournament going as we wanted to but some of us got a game or two in. thanks to everone that donated food and utensils. thanks to mark at reef city for the stuff he donated. thanks to everyone. lets make it happen again next year but i say start earlier and make it bigger.
Thanks Mr Z , it was a long drive from melrose park but it was worth every bit! It was fun playing some bean bags , if you want to call it that cause we sucked big time, haha. I'm definitely down for next year.
OK had a great time yesterday and it was cool to finally meet all of you but everybody has to come back over today

because we never got the bean bag tourney going and I got way to much extra food here that I have no room for

anything in my fridge. So get your a$$e$ back here so we can finish up this food and throw some bean bags!!!

But really thanks everyone for stopping by I had a blast. We defiantly have to do it again. TODAY!!!!!!LOL