Chicago Reefs 2nd annual cookout EXTRAVAGANZA!

November 17th, 2012

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had a blast. Joe. bravo.

seemed like everyone had a great time.

Lego, i got you a shirt with your ticket. we'l figure something out to get it to you.

walt, the LPS from the raffle, couldn't ask for a more generous offering. They look stunning in the tank, and now my game has to take a step up around these frags!!

everyone that donated time/effort/stuff/frags/food. awesome. I really didn't expect all of that.
Thanks everyone for everything. The turn out was great. I think we had a total of 40 people. Thanks to everyone that help set-up.

I want to make a big thanks to the LFS that donated to us, RCA, Reefwise, Living sea, and CR Mike.

Another big thanks to everyone who made donations to the owner of the house... U guys were crazy generous and i didn't expect anything from anyone. I really appreciate it especially being a nooby reefer. Finally i have some life in my tank.

I'm glad this turned out to be so awesome. GF already approved another one :dance:

Between frags i bought, got donated, and frags for my dad i had 29 frags go into my tank lol.
We had so much food and still have a ton of food. Cant wait for the next one! My frag rack looks like walts frag racks lol

One last thanks. Thanks to Walt, Nate, and Dave for helping me set this up. Deff helped me keep this organized lol

One more last last thanks. Thanks to Reefwise for opening up after hours and letting us have an after "party" lol.
I had an awesome time and I really want to thank the awesome sponsors who contributed generously with their gifts, time and stellar customer service. Reefwise, Living Sea and Reef City really raised the bar with their hospitality for this event.

Reef City came personally to deliver goods, Gift Cards and to enjoy good food and drink with us. It was amazing to spend time with a local sponsor, not as a business, but as equals and friends. They drove out of their way to attend and deliver a box of goodies personally and that really shows their dedication to our little community.

Extra thanks to Reefwise, who reopened their doors at 9PM for the after party frag run. Brian did not have to answer his phone at 830 PM or unlock the doors at 9PM to let us browse the livestock after a long day of running his shop, but he did without any hesitation. He has my loyal support and gratitude for his great attitude, awesome above-and-beyond customer service, top-notch livestock and down-to-earth prices.

Living Sea surprised us with gift certificates that we did not even ask for and delivering them before the party let out. I'll be in their stores within the next couple weeks to support them for supporting us.

Mike, thanks so much for the Gift Certificates and the t-shirts! You really didn't have to do that and it really caught me off guard. You and your generosity are awesome!!!

To everyone who attended, it was an absolute pleasure meeting new members and those who I've met before, you're my extended family. The event was a success because of the work and contributions us regular people put forth. Everyone chipped in with amazing PIFs, donations, great coral, food, drink and attitudes. Everyone who took part should pat themselves on the back. This hobby and Chicago Reefs is going to be what we make it and if tonight was any indication, we are heading in the right direction.

Huge thanks to Emily and Joe for opening up their home and for everyone else for not trashing it!!!!
thank you Walt for donating the great SPS pack for the raffle. They are doing great already on my frag rack, THANKS AGAIN!
I had a great time today. It was allot of fun putting a name to face and chatting reef. Thanks you joe for opening up your newly built garage. I left with many awesome frags. Time to get my sps on.
Yes, thank you joe to opening your house to us -it was great meeting everyone, and picked up alot of great stuff :)
This was a great event!! It was truly impressive the way this came together and many thanks to all who made this happen and contributed. I only wish my tank wasn't so stocked, I would have certainly come home with more frags. For those of you who missed the event... the frags were huge and the prices were low. The food was great and the free stuff was astounding. The commraderie was the best part!

For those of you who missed this event, don't feel bad. There is another event already in the works that is going to be on a larger scale...details to follow...
A quote from my dad who showed up during the event " i didn't know people still got together like this, it's really cool that there is a group of people who come together for an event like this"

And i agree completely lol.
What a GREAT TIME! Thank you Joe and Emily for hosting all of us. Thanks to everyone for bringing all of the frags, drinks and food! I came home with quite an assortment of corals from Walt, Dre, Bret, Mike....and others.

We for sure need to do this again...
Boy o boy , my wife and I had a blast! This was better than the first CR cookout. I'm glad I got to see some old faces and meet some new ones , everybody was so nice. Thanks to everybody that brought something for the pif pile , it worked out so well thanks to Nate . Thanks to the sponsors that donated certificates and Mike for donating as well , thanks to Walt for such a generous donation. Special thanks to Joe and Emily for opening their house to all of us. Can't wait for the next one, wife already gave me the ok to use the house . :peace:
Steve .. do it .... u have a pretty big cassa... Or get those cars out of the garage lol and yea that's pretty huge area also... I'm ready for the an I think my ladie hit it off with yours. Kept talking about here how much she liked her an yada yada.. my girls shy.. deff not the first one to ever talk lol.. but glad everyone had a great time in the end..