Chicago Reefs SECOND First annual SouthSide BBQ


New member
This will be chicago reefs second first annual cookout. bring the wife/husband, neighbor, ex, boyfriend/girlfriend, grandma/grandpa. Steve(skunkerx) has gladly allowed us to use his back yard to do this event. there will be a few activities bean bags, volleyball, a raffle or two or 3, will also be a frag swap and pif event as it had a good feedback at the first second anual northside bbq.. i will add on to the list as people mention more things. If you plan on donating food, drinks/boos, frags for raffles etc. please pm me or post here. (please PM me or skunkerx for address). we will meet at steve's house at 12pm and carpool over to reef city aquatics to check out marks cookout sale. if anyone has any other ideas please let me know. BYOB if youd like steve will be providing this huge thing full of ice for drinks of all kinds. For everyone to get idea he lives one block west of standard bank stadium off Cicero. Please RSVP if you wish to attend. We need an idea of people and will have a cap if need be.

Grab bag: ONE frag per person. $20-25 dollar MINIMUM can be a greater value. Please use best judjment on your frag. No pest or algee will be excepted. If your frag is deemed not worth the min price and or has pest/algee or has been stung with unheald damage you will not be able to particapate in the grab bag portion of the event.

Frag swap: limit 8-10

PIF raffle: Must bring PIF to receive PIF

Raffles: There will be our regular ones . Might also sell tickets for somthing more exclusive.
Reef City
Best Fish
Coral Compulsion
Robs Aquadics
Premium Aquadics

Walt:famous carmal cake or cakes ;)
Steve: plates, napkins, and sporks
Jay:hotdogs, buns, chips
Skunker:slushy machine filled with boose.
Tkh:bbq/ chicken
Mrdemonic: chips, drinks, maybe boos.
Krocky: Pop, Grilling father

Date: to be determined in june. June8th or june 22nd
Location:skunkerx's back yard
Time: 12pm trip to reef city aquatics.
2pm cookout back at Steve's. 2pm till whenever....

Will be adding new info or ideas daily as they are heard..last 2 were a bast and getting better..lets strive to keep it going.... thanks and happy reefing.

Attendance list:
The last one was so much fun I'm sure this one will be too!

Question, how do you estimate the $20-$25 value for the grab bag? Retail value or "reefer price"? This could mean the differenc between a frag and a mini-colony ;)
The last one was so much fun I'm sure this one will be too!

Question, how do you estimate the $20-$25 value for the grab bag? Retail value or "reefer price"? This could mean the differenc between a frag and a mini-colony ;)

Lol I know ..why I said use good judgment. 2p of eagle eyes wont due even if you happen to pay $25.. just trying to be alittle fair without being bias ya know.. for instants u bring a lil colony and get the 2p eagle eyes you prob wont be to please ... yes it is for fun but gotta be far. And thats min price u can bring a $100 frag if you have it like that and choose to lol..
I'm gonna actually show up to this one. I understand what Justin is sayin about swap. No offense to anyone, but putting a bit higher value on a frag is a good idea. It not fun when u see xenia and stuff when you put in a worthy frag. This is gonna be fun. Ill hook up with you guys to help plan. Yay!
I'm in. always a blast to hang with you guys. I will also bring some food. I will bring some hot dogs, buns, and chips

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I'll be there!!!!!! the 22nd would probably be better but lets put up a poll for the 8th, 22nd, and 29th and see whats up

Oh ya what does everyone thing of a booze filled slushee machine? There really good I promise :)

and Walt why would you even have to ask if anyone if they want carmel cake you got me hooked on these things
Sounds like a lot of fun! If I'm not traveling (hopefully not, missed a couple meet ups by now because of that :(), I'll come. I can bring some stuff to barbecue too, probably some marinated chicken or something - it'll be good, promise!
Lol, fair enough. For now, count me in, just hoping work doesn't spontaneously decide n a trip then...
I'm in also. Will most likely bring wife.

For the grab bag event...can my One entry be multiple frags adding up to $20-25? I dont have much high end corals that would have a single frag value of $20-25...

I'll also bring chips and drinks and some other food/drink items...maybe some korean liquor...
Yea we cant exclude someone who dosent have. More less somone trying to come out ontop or get rid of junk they dont want..that would be for the PIF section... So mutiple frags is ok. And ill mark you down for food. . Thanks