Chicago Reefs SECOND First annual SouthSide BBQ

Was a lot of fun! Big thank you to Steve and family for hosting - his place has room for a huge turn-out, so next time we just have to supply a few more people!
I had a great time and stayed longer then I had planned. My family was a bit annoyed with my late arrival. LOL.

Thanks everyone for showing up and my palys are open and doing fine!!
Thanks for the party Steve! I had fun and actually had some of the amazing caramel cake I've been hearing about... YUM! Although Walt left already!! :( next time I guess ;P

You guys missed the gifts and Steve got them all! :P

It was nice seeing some new faces and of course all the usual suspects that were left! ;)

I hope to see another party coming up soon!

~ Margaret
Good to see all that showed up it was nice finally meeting some new faces. Special thanks to Mark and Margaret for the gifts!!!

Don't know why most who said they were coming didn't show but it was still a great time, maybe they were afraid or the rain that

never showed up either that or afraid of the slushee LOL. I guess we just need to plan it a little bit better , maybe in like August

or September next time, let me get your feedback so next time we can make this a bigger better bash.
I never said I was going to come out but I almost did. It is kind of hard when people commit and do not show. Fairly new to the group and would have enjoyed putting some faces to the names. But good lord you live out there!

If anyone would ever be interested there are quite a few of us out here in the NW burbs. I have almost an acre and would be willing to host...or at least if there is interest ask my wife if I can host... :)