Official Spring 2012 Paly Grow-Out Contest

I've got 5 total. One is small, but open. Maybe I'll have another by July 9th!

I love reefers...
Is there a prize for largest single polyp with crazy tumor like growths? If not then I'm sunk

No, but in a month or so you'll have a 6 polyp frag and be like WTF!!! Get your pic in for final check in anyways, there are 3 winners this time. You could be lucky and others forget... Speaking of, are there any final check ins coming this weekend? You can always update anytime before the deadline if you grow another polyp!!!!
There will be a summer grow-out assuming I can find a suitable colony to frag up in time. I had the colony for the summer grow-out but there were not enough equal size polyps to open the contest to whoever wanted to participate. I would prefer not to limit the number of entries.
Looks like 3 of you so far, all with 5 polyps yea? Prize money can just be equally split 3 ways to be fair. And for the prizes, we could just have a random roll for the frag rock and amino acids to make that fair? Of course, if all 3 of you can agree to a random roll for 1st, 2nd & 3rd places, I am fine with that as well.

This is all assuming one of you doesnt pop open a new baby by Monday night, and that no one else checks in with more polyps.
There will be a summer grow-out assuming I can find a suitable colony to frag up in time. I had the colony for the summer grow-out but there were not enough equal size polyps to open the contest to whoever wanted to participate. I would prefer not to limit the number of entries.

Reefwise is having a 10 percent off all zoa colonies sale this weekend (like it ends today) if that would help ;-)

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I have to be honest, I was terrified when I saw the notification of a new post pop up!
I'm still desperately looking at my two additional bumps hoping that one will open up a tiny bit to make #6.