Official Spring 2013 Paly Grow-Out Contest

Only afew people have checked in for the 2 month mark.

Check in will expire TONIGHT at 11:59pm - Make sure to get your post in!

Disclaimer: Again not require per grow-out rules, but does make you eligible for raffles/giveaways...:wink wink: :hint hint: :nudge nudge: :slap on the back of the head:
I've been feeding like crazy lol. Spot feeding, broadcast feeding ect.

Even now when i feed my seahorse the extra food goes into the tank lol
Dam dom what u feeding ur tank?!? Ur stuff growin like crazy

Believe it or not but I don't really feed anything! I just feed the fish.

Seriously though, I feed azoox or however it's spelled one time a week when I can remember lol!
18 Members remembered to check in for month #2, thus - another raffle!

Drummmmm Rooooooooll

Grow Out Check-in #2: Raffle (Donated by William)
-1 Frag Grape Idaho Monti
-1 Frag Green Monti

Winner: #12 Siebo / Chad!!!

Congrats Chad - PM Coming! :)
***Two Weeks left - Time for the Final Push***

Final Payouts - Based on 32 Participants:

1st Place: $125 Sponsor Credit and Par38 Bulb from CoralComplusion
2nd Place: $75 Sponsor Credit
3rd Place: $50 Sponsor Credit
8 heads on mine .. but with all the crazyness going on with my tank .. i dont think it will grow any more in the next 2 weeks :pout: