Official Spring 2013 Paly Grow-Out Contest

I'm all about being fair and all, so however it plays out so be it. But it did state in the rules that the first one to post the pics and count wins. but like I said, so be it. Good luck Will

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If they need to be re-written, then we'll look into that, but yeah, it should be more like if he's unable to pop a head today, then he takes 2nd; not if he has a slower intardnet connection or other obligations keeping him from the computer. Great job to both of you and we'll all anxiously await midnight :)
If they need to be re-written, then we'll look into that, but yeah, it should be more like if he's unable to pop a head today, then he takes 2nd; not if he has a slower intardnet connection or other obligations keeping him from the computer. Great job to both of you and we'll all anxiously await midnight :)

Like I said i'm cool with it either way. This is about having fun as a group.

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If they need to be re-written, then we'll look into that, but yeah, it should be more like if he's unable to pop a head today, then he takes 2nd; not if he has a slower intardnet connection or other obligations keeping him from the computer. Great job to both of you and we'll all anxiously await midnight :)

Yeah, I will clarify that next time. With different working schedules, internet speeds, even lighting cycles (to see new heads) I feel its fair to go until midnight.

That's what happened on the last (summer '12) grow out. Jay and I tied...and went back and worth for weeks each popping heads at the same rate until we finally decided to call it an 'official tie for 1st" lol
That's what happened on the last (summer '12) grow out. Jay and I tied...and went back and worth for weeks each popping heads at the same rate until we finally decided to call it an 'official tie for 1st" lol

Seriously...I hated having to check in back and forth, so we made an executive decision together :)
ok so first I thought I was first loser, now I have to go check again....

So do I let it go few more hours? or go disturb it now to see if it popped?
I believe the idea is check in by midnight? Not sure if that's 100% official, but I think that's what we're going for! Let us know what you've got, and if we need to actually figure out the midnight rule or not! :)
I'm going to say, in fairness to everyone's personal life/schedules - you can 'rebuttal' until midnight the same day your opponent posts a new polyp.
I officially bow before the Frosty one. I could wait till 11:59 (9 PM for me) but looking at these I can say, they will not pop today.

All Hail Frosty! :marchmellow: << Looks like Frosty :)

At least I can claim FIRST LOSER!


Hope these are better. If not Dan is making a trip to A-town.
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This was a close one - Jason/FrostyJay takes 1st with 14polyps! William in a close second with 13p, the race to 12p/3rd place is on!!!
This was a lot of fun. Congrats to Will for putting up a great fight. Best of luck to those still in contention for 3rd.