im in. when you say cut to order, do i get to choose which polyp?
Where's ma name?? Wth...
Where's ma name?? Wth...
In my best Soup Nazi voice (which admittedly, is pretty bad)
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Crap, my bad. I'll put your name in place of Dre's. Sorry bud!
Crap, my bad. I'll put your name in place of Dre's. Sorry bud!
couple of us are really gonna bring it this time.
feeding is cheating?
feeding is cheating?
Hmmmm. . . Should I? You know I did have 6 Polyps on my frag for the last grow out. Stupid me didn't to the last check in! I'll c. . . .
Hmmmm. . . Should I? You know I did have 6 Polyps on my frag for the last grow out. Stupid me didn't to the last check in! I'll c. . . .