Summer 2012 Palythoa Grow-Out Contest

This was fun for the spring, but I was so busy with renovations I wasn't able to care for my frag like I wanted. This one should be much better! now that i am on tapatalk! woot.
Let's hope the list above stays and no one drops out..

This last one was not good for me as I was having trouble with my tank.

Game on folks!!! I'm ready and loaded baby :D
In my best Soup Nazi voice (which admittedly, is pretty bad)

Sent from my G2x using Tapatalk

lol...which emoticon is a b1tch slap?? I'll send that your way and a couple of us are really gonna bring it this time.

Crap, my bad. I'll put your name in place of Dre's. Sorry bud!

In place of Dre, huh? He's probably going to stop by your place and show you what's up...haha (no that's not a threat of violence...or is it?? ;) )
feeding is cheating?

The American Palythoa Growout Association of America clearly states:

Article 12, Section 24, Paragraph 2, Sub-index B:
Any participant found to be feeding their polyps for enhanced growth shall be deemed ineligible to continue competing in the current growout contest.

Fortunately, we are NOT the APGAA, and feeding is not considered cheating!
Hmmmm. . . Should I? You know I did have 6 Polyps on my frag for the last grow out. Stupid me didn't to the last check in! I'll c. . . .
Hmmmm. . . Should I? You know I did have 6 Polyps on my frag for the last grow out. Stupid me didn't to the last check in! I'll c. . . .

How on earth did you miss final check in? We were blowing up the thread and chatbox for the past 2 weeks!