Summer 2012 Palythoa Grow-Out Contest

View attachment 5403This frag is starting to get fat already. I am def going to do a water change tonight. Perhaps fine tuning my GFo, some hair algae is growing a little quickly. Bastard algae! And a few pieces of bubble are growing. Nipping this in the bud.
I finally moved mine to my work tank last night:
Standard JBJ MH bulb
StevieT Media Rack
JBJ Skimmer
No extra powerhead

It might do okay if the snails stop digging it up. I put it back down I the sand twice last night.

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Tank: 90 gallon
Flow: Maxi-jet 1200, koralia 1050 and koralia 750
Filtration: 30g sump with AquaC ev-120
Lighting: 8 bulb nova extreme t5
Placement: High tank/medium flow
Coral Food: A lil bit of everything
Fish: Watanabei Angel, Greyhead Wrasse, Solorensis Wrasse, Exquisite Wrasse, Lubbock's Wrasse, Blue Filamented Wrasse, Lawnmower blenny, Pair of mandarins

Please ignore the bubble algae on the rack.


what bubble algae???:a32:

Great looking picture Geno.
At one point, mine had a new head forming on the side, but it got absorbed. I'd take it off of the frag rack to check again, but I'm afraid I'll just anger it again. So I wait. :D
At one point, mine had a new head forming on the side, but it got absorbed. I'd take it off of the frag rack to check again, but I'm afraid I'll just anger it again. So I wait. :D

Yep, best to leave it alone. It's kinda like watching paint dry!

I love reefers...
Congrats! And the race is now on! We have a few members with babies already! These guys seem to be really decent growers. (my control polyp just sprouted baby #2 while I was in the hospital :-p )
I knew that was you! You went straight to AA after you got out. I saw you going in with your pillow and water jug. :lol (2):

Lol! That WAS me, but I got out Wednesday night. We stopped on the way back from the old lady's doctor appointment at Alexian Brothers for baby #2. Surgeon said I needed to get up on my feet and move around, where better than at a LFS having a sale!!! And better yet, shopping in pajamas. It was sweet.