Summer 2012 Palythoa Grow-Out Contest

I forgot to update. Mine was stupid and ate kalk paste. Completely ignoring the Mr. Yuk sticker. It melted away over a period of two weeks.
Still 1 polyp and no sign of babies.
My tank has only been up for 5 months, but all of the other zoas and paly's in there are growing like crazy. I guess this one is just buckling under the pressure. :argh:
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I've got twins! I've got two bumps coming! Yeah the tortoise is alive! Pics later when I can get a good shot!
I still have three as well. They're getting larger, now I just need some more foot growth! You can see part of the third's skirt underneath that of the largest polyp.

Am I the only person that has only my original polyp and nothing else??? How embarrassing. Hey, here's an idea. Let's change the rules. I think the person that can manage NOT to grow more heads, but keep only the original polyp alive and well should get a prize. It appears from all of your pictures that it is easier to grow them than not, which puts me in the lead!!! :tomato:
Am I the only person that has only my original polyp and nothing else??? How embarrassing. Hey, here's an idea. Let's change the rules. I think the person that can mange NOT to grow more heads, but keep only the original polyp alive and well should get a prize. It appears from all of your pictures that it is easier to grow them than not, which puts me in the lead!!! :tomato:
And your prize will be a big high five from each of us in this contest! :) how's everything else growing for ya?
Am I the only person that has only my original polyp and nothing else??? How embarrassing. Hey, here's an idea. Let's change the rules. I think the person that can mange NOT to grow more heads, but keep only the original polyp alive and well should get a prize. It appears from all of your pictures that it is easier to grow them than not, which puts me in the lead!!! :tomato:

Nice Picture