+1,000!Can we get the frags for the next one on ceramic plugs, those plastic ones blow every where (they done stay still in my frag holder) and the ceramic ones are easy to dremel down for gluing!!! Just a thought
I'm still working on finding those nice ceramic discs I was given a few samples of. High quality good weight and no pesky stem to cut off. The clear plug was a trial because research said they would help promote growth, and people WERE advised to glue the plug in place so it wouldn't get blown around.
I think aquapros has them. Not sure about pricing but i think he posted a thread here...
Thanks, saw them, not the ones I'm looking for. Here's a pic...
They are a little bigger, but if you get a sheet of plain white tiles from homedepot they work great (and they're like 3 dollars for 25 of them).
Still waiting for 3rd place. Haven't seen a pic yet for verification from either of them. :-/
I'm afraid to feed mine or do anything to my tank given my current predicament. That doesn't mean I'm not checking in every 5 minutes to see if one of my 3 or 4 bumps hasn't opened up!
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Mine grew a mouth yesterday, it just has to open up!
Just popped the sixth head!