Prices aren't fixed to the above. For new and old premium members, I'd lower the cost likely $10 by earmarking part of your subscription cost.
I don't have a timetable set yet, at this time I'm just trying to get and idea of quantity so I can get a better idea of pricing.
So far I have;
jrpark22000 - several
enzo1028 - size? qnty?
jeffy - size? qnty?
rmeugene - long sleeve - size? qnty?
rockhead - longsleeve LG x1 LG x1
imranh - size? x2
maidia - size? Med x1
jayjerk - XL x1
venom - YOUTH Med x1
anarchy - YOUTH Sm x1 Med x1 XL or XXL x1
FraginReeferHead - longsleeve XL x1 XL x1
Tonyssrx - Vneck XXL x1
William Lutman - XXL x1
mlott132 - LG x2