Clam question


New member
I have a 12gl jbj nano and would like to get a clam. right now aquatic has a bunch of 2-3" clams that I liked. I have a 10 cree led fixture I'm putting together do u guys think it's enough or no?
Lol sorry it was the auto correct on my phone. Thanks then any special treatment for them?
If you have SPS and are thriving, then you should be fine with a clam. Just gotta keep an eye on your calcium/alk with a tank that small.
Spot feed once in a while with a particle food or marine snow type food, and provide adequate flow and lighting. I had a beautiful deresa for a couple weeks until something got inside and ate it. One of my biggest losses since I started the hobby, but now I know my tank isn't clam safe...
No sps in my tank the nano has pc lights all I have is softies and some lps. One clown 4 blue hermits and and some feather dusters.
There is no need to spot feed clams if sufficient lighting is given. Even the tiny baby ones.... I speak from experience, not just internet rambling.
No need to spot feed anything photosynthetic, doesn't hurt any to provide a meal from time to time. It's a special treatment, not a requirement...
Yeah, you should be ok with a clam...especially a deresa clam or a squamosa, cause they are the least light demanding clam.
Try and get a good look at the bottom foot area. Try and spot any lil white snails. Supper tiny. I always find on the foot. That's what took one of my clams. Now my wrasse take care of the clams. Never bought clam from them but a heads up
Are the supposed to be dipped like corals

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no. inspect visually, and I give the shell a scrub with a toothbrush. Then dip in fresh saltwater to get the scrubbings off. Repeat until clean. Clams can go through a FW dip if needed - this is the treatment for pinched mantel. If you do a FW dip make sure the PH matches.
any special treatment for them?

I bought a clam from a fellow reefer who had it for ~ 2 years with nominal growth and he never put phyto in his tank. We both have similar lighting. I've had the clam for about 6 months and it is already on its 2nd new ridge of growth and is about 1" longer. I feed phyto 3X week. Clams are photosynthetic but also filter feeders.